16 November 2007

yup still alive again... i promise to knit soon...

Still alive very little knitting going on.... and lots of trips back and fort from the hospital... my hormones are crazier then they should be so i am having a lot of blood taken to check them almost daily. and spending lots of time just laying there having my vitals checked. I am lucky enough to be able to use the laptop at the hospital. To be honest i don't know what wireless network i pick up but it is one one that will let me get most places. Oddly i can get to yahoo, and ravelry, and here.... but it blocks my main email. oh well such is life. I have today off of tests, unless i start to feel odd. my question to the doc, is i am pregnant when do i not feel odd??? I think i am going to maybe do a little yarn dying with pas easter egg colors.... and i need to go and get jack an anniversary card, we will have been married 1 year tomorrow. I have convinced him to dinner at leona's over in rogers park. i know that isn't fancy, but i want a cheese stick.

1 comment:

MollyKnits said...

Take care sweetie. MMMMM, cheese.