12 December 2006

Ah the need to vent.....

Ok, so I moderate a local freecycle list (freecycle.org).... And things had been going pretty well until probably the last week or so. And then we had a rash of crossposting to our list and another local list. So I follow my little rules and post the reminder about crossposting, and buckle down on it if you will. And the rules aren't unreasonable... Post your want or offer to your home list, what ever one you choose, first. And if it is not met, then wait 24 hours and post it to another list.

So last night, I deny someone's post bc of this rule. Send the standard letter as to why it was denied. And I get this email this morning. Pretty much telling me I was out of line, bc it isn't a "want" it was a "need" for someone in their church. She was looking for some clothing. So I just email her back and explain that she can post again in 24 hours.

So while I am workign today, she sends another post thru to both groups. So I deny her again. Send her another letter. And I get another one from her. Telling me that i obviously don't read the post, bc this request wasn't for her it was for a neighbor.... I once again send her a letter explaining that she can post it in 24 hours from the original post.... and sign it "blessed be," which i use from time to time. And have for years..... Well this somehow offends this woman and i get another not nice email from her......

Am I truely being the bad guy here. I am just reinforcing the normal rules...
Merry Christmas to all huh?

Thank you for reading, if you made it this far I owe you a cookie!


erin said...

some people just feel the rules do not apply to them. Just let it roll off your back. Can't please everyone and all.

MollyKnits said...

That is why I stopped moderating groups. Don't worry about it. Some people believe that what they want to do isn't "rule breaking" because they have a special want, need, idea whatever.

If it were me, I ban her butt from the list. But, I also stopped sending nice letters about why I didn't let a post through. They just get your e-mail address that way, and they flame you.